Chamber Spotlight: David Mitchell, Great Eastern Management Company

What was your first job?
In high school, I was a life guard. After college (my first professional/real job) I was a Project Engineer with PCL Heavy Civil on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Trestle Expansion.
What’s your go-to comfort food?
Anything at Sushi King
What is unique about your organization and the work you do in our community?
Great Eastern has a LONG term employee base. Not a lot of turnover. The properties we manage are across all three major categories: Residential, Retail and Office.
What’s your favorite local activity for out-of-town guests?
Visiting the breweries on Rt. 151
What’s most important for the future of our regional business community?
Creating career ladder jobs and work force housing.
What’s the funniest thing that ever happened to you at work?
I fell off a tug boat into the Chesapeake Bay. I was jumping from a barge to a tug boat and missed.
How did you choose the field you’re in?
My dad was an engineer, and I always liked building stuff.
Who do you cheer for?
VMI sports.... We don't win much but we Never Give Up!
What’s your most prized possession?
The "Rig" ... a jacked up 2001 Yukon XL fitted out for off roading and camping.
We thank Great Eastern Management Company for supporting the Chamber through our Partners in Trust program.