Partners in Trust
Leaning into our Strength as a Trusted Institution
Across the nation, communities face immense challenges and immense opportunities. Amid ever-changing economic conditions, complex solutions demand leadership and collaboration on the part of business and government.
According to the Edelman Trust Barometer, business is now the most trusted institution in America. As the voice of local business, chambers of commerce are being called upon to serve as innovative partners and thought leaders. With your support, we are uniquely positioned to bring stakeholders together in a spirit of cooperation and shared vision.
Chamber members who invest in the Partners in Trust program amplify the Chamber's work to convene, champion and be a catalyst for growth. Our Partners in Trust also form a leadership circle whose influence and ideas help to shape a unified regional business agenda.
The Partners in Trust program welcomes organizations of all sizes and sectors including private, public and nonprofit. With considerable marketing visibility through multiple avenues, Partners in Trust position themselves at the forefront of the business community.
Partner benefits include:
- Frequent recognition across Chamber communication channels including newsletters, website, social media, press releases and advertisements
- Partners-only events with other C-level business leaders representing many sectors
- Acknowledgement at Chamber events
- Complimentary admission for select Chamber events
Interested? Please contact Chamber COO Andrea Copeland to learn more about participating in the program or click here for additional details. New partners may enroll at any time, and we invite you to consider the possibilities of becoming a Partner in Trust.