Host Inquiry
Hosting a Let’s Connect event gives your organization enormous visibility. The Chamber will recognize your support at every opportunity.
- Appear repeatedly in Chamber communications, including our website, newsletter, social media, public events calendar, and local media appearance if available.
- Showcase your products and services in front of up to 200 community members.
- Make welcome remarks to the group and personally connect with dozens of potential clients who already know your name.
As host, your enterprise is responsible for organizing a successful event at your location.
- Must be able to accommodate at least 75 attendees, with sufficient parking
- Allow exclusive use of your facility (or a designated area) during the event, typically 5:30-7:30pm
- Provide all food and beverages
- $500 Hosting Fee (may be provided by the host or a co-host)
- Booking is not secured until the Chamber receives a signed contract and payment
- Host organization must be a Chamber member
- Let's Connect is a Chamber member event, not open to the public
If your location isn’t feasible as an event venue, you can partner with another host – for example, by providing food and beverages, or by sharing the cost of an event. Members must arrange their own co-host agreements and provide details to the Chamber.
Questions? Please contact the Chamber at 434.295.3141 or