NCBC Discusses Defense Industry Economic Impact

North Charlottesville Business Council (NCBC) June 28, 2023
NCBC met at North Fork for networking, a chance to meet new Chamber President Natalie Masri, and a discussion about the regional defense industry's economic impact.
Congressman Bob Good joined the group as COL (Ret) Lettie Bien, Program Manager for the Chamber Defense Affairs Committee (DAC), presented findings from the recent Defense Industry Economic Impact Study commissioned by DAC and conducted by the Weldon Cooper Center at UVA.
Natalie spoke about the Chamber’s recent policy recommendation concerning Rivanna Station Futures. Lettie explained the vision for the land, which Albemarle County plans to purchase in order to solidify the long-term vibrancy of Rivanna Station. Attendees had a chance to express their questions, concerns, and excitements about the project.
Alan Yost, Director of the Greene County Economic Development and Tourism Department, spoke about a similar project in Greene County. One attendee, who was used to commuting between DC and Charlottesville for defense affairs, shared his excitement for Rivanna Station Futures and expressed the benefits of the project.