Chamber Spotlight: ACPS Community Partner Kick-Off Breakfast

Albemarle County Public Schools Community Partner Kick-Off Breakfast
Thursday, September 22, 2022
8:30-9:30am at CATEC, 1000 East Rio Road, Charlottesville
Free with RSVP
Shared by Dr. Eric Irizarry, Director of Equity, Family and Community Relations, Albemarle County Public Schools:
On behalf of Albemarle County Public Schools and Superintendent Dr. Matthew Haas, I would like to invite you to our ACPS Community Partner Kick-Off Breakfast. This event will feature information on ways to partner (or continue to partner) with our 26 schools, two ACPS Centers, and more than 14,000 students and families.
We will also share areas of need within our school communities, how to connect with students on local employment and career opportunities, and ways in which ACPS will feature our partners on our social media platforms.
If you or a representative from your organization would like to attend and learn more about collaborating with ACPS over coffee and a light breakfast, please click here to register.
What need does this event fulfill?
The effects of COVID have impacted students, families, our community, and local businesses. It is our hope that as we recover from the pandemic ACPS can reconnect with our local business partners to establish meaningful connections with our students, families, and schools moving forward.
Schools are in need of volunteers and resources to support our families. I know many businesses seek a pool of qualified employees and ways to make a difference in their communities. I believe establishing a true connection with ACPS can help address the needs of our larger community.
What does success look like for this event?
1) Open communication between ACPS and local business partners.
2) More direct involvement in volunteer work in our area schools.
3) Businesses enrolling in our ACPS career platform to provide career opportunities, job shadowing, and other work-based learning opportunities.
What can Chamber members do to help?
Assist in posting information and events from ACPS so local businesses can stay connected.
Visit the ACPS Office of Community Engagement at
You can reach Dr. Irizarry at