Chamber Spotlight: Joe Raichel, Wells Fargo

What was your first job?
My first job out of college happened to be at the Canton OH Regional Chamber of Commerce working as the Convention Sales Manager in the Convention and Visitors bureau. Since that first job, throughout my career I have been involved with the local Chamber wherever I was living.
However, my true first job was as a paperboy. My older brother, older sister and I delivered a weekly free newspaper. I was only 5 years old when I started delivering newspapers. My parent wanted us to have a strong work ethic as well as an appreciation for the value of saving money for the future. I remember from that early age how much I enjoyed counting my money from that job. I guess I was destined to be a banker.
What’s your go-to comfort food?
Ice cream.
Why did you choose the Charlottesville area?
Back in the early 90’s, I visited a friend at UVA who was getting their Ph.D. I was so impressed with Charlottesville during that visit. I always thought it would be a great place to raise a family. My career path brought me here 16 years after that first visit and positive first impression.
What’s your favorite local activity for out-of-town guests?
I have taken family and friends to Monticello for the 4th of July Naturalization Ceremony. Everyone leaves that event with a renewed sense of patriotism as well as a stronger appreciation for our country. We have taken guests to many UVA sporting events as well. Also, Carter Mountain, the Downtown Mall and the local wineries/breweries are all favorite spots to entertain and impress out-of-town guests.
What’s most important for the future of our regional business community?
Sustaining a pro-business atmosphere for our existing businesses and an environment that encourages new businesses to start-up or move here. Further, we need to focus on attracting talent to our community to support the current businesses and the businesses of the future.
What were you like in high school?
I grew up in Beaver Falls, PA. It’s a small town where everyone knows each other. The high school was the center of the community. I was involved in sports, band and student government. I really enjoyed my high school years and had many close friends.
What's the best advice you ever got (or gave)?
Focus on doing the best job you can do every day and the future will take care of itself. I have gotten and given that advice.
Who do you cheer for, and why?
Beaver Falls is one county north of Pittsburgh, so I cheer for Pittsburgh teams, especially the Steelers. Of course living here in Charlottesville for 11 years, the entire family cheers for the ‘Hoos. Much to cheer about!
Who are you grateful to, and why?
I have many people I owe a significant debt of gratitude. I will name three here. I am grateful for my parents who raised me to have enduring values of faith, discipline and commitment. I am extremely grateful for my wife and kids who give my life purpose and meaning. And I am grateful to the many work colleagues who I owe so much to over my 28 year career.
We thank Wells Fargo for supporting the Chamber through our Partners in Trust program.